Thursday 20 March 2008

Happy Monday

After a long time feeling a bit hopeless about my future prospects, Monday brought frenzied activity and lots to do. I had a call from a dear friend asking for my advice in a hurry on a briefing document for a major client. I read, commented on and turned the pitch around in an hour, then finished a translation from Italian into English of a three thousand word essay, then rushed off to give a lecture on The History of Art. This is the sort of life I could really go for. If only every Monday could be like this.


ElPato said...

It sounds so much better than giving kids standardized tests all damn day long. Nothing is worse than filling in bubbles, for me or the children.

peacockpie said...

I'm still waiting for my student to fill in her own bubbles, but the time will come. I agree, it's a happy thing to stumble along and learn along with them. I'm receiving a powerful education myself!