Monday 9 June 2008

Don't eat the caviar!

There’s a curious, perverse blend of ironies in this story, of contradictory mortalities, and the bite of the credit crunch all coming together. Of course, the very people able to give it up are the ones least likely to, I suppose. As reported in today’s Sueddeutschezeitung
Rettet den Stör: Nie mehr Kaviar
Die Umweltschützer haben schon vieles versucht, um den Stör zu retten. Vergeblich. Nun hilft nur noch eins: auf Kaviar verzichten...

[My trans] Environmental protectors have tried to save the sturgeon, in vain. Now only one thing can help: giving up caviar. Lower Saxony’s environment minster, Hans-Heinrich Sander, has called for people to forgo caviar on the grounds of saving the species. “Um den Stör zu retten, soll man Kaviar nicht mehr verzehren...”
“To save the sturgeon, don't eat any more caviar,” said the FDP-politician in Hanover. “All other protective measures have been fruitless up to now”, he went on...


the Albino Bowler said...

Hello lovely Laura,
I'm dong a featured blog review. My only constructive criticism for you is that it would be great to see some more posts. You have a novel take on things. I'd love to chat with you later...


What are you reading right now?

peacockpie said...

Thank you... I shall do more. I've just been a bit preoccupied lately. Also, although I am lovely, I'm not Laura I'm afraid... but this doesn't disappoint you too much as it's great to have you on board. Keep watching. More will appear.